Et tu Soros
Looks like George Soros is now admits backing a flawed horse. In an interview yesterday, he's now conceded that John Kerry was not the best choice to go against George W. Bush.
Some statements:
Indeed, the "anybody-but-Bush" strategy didn't quite work. We'll see what the Democrats muster in 2008 when the field is still relatively wide-open. And, no, Obama won't be the savior quite yet. Give him a few more terms to season before he ends up like John Edwards.
Some statements:
"Kerry did not, actually, offer a credible and coherent alternative," Soros, 74, said yesterday in an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "That had a lot to do with Bush being re-elected."
The Kerry campaign "tried to emphasize his role as a Vietnam War hero and downplay his role as an anti-Vietnam War hero, which he was," said Soros. "Had he admitted, owned up to it, I think actually the outcome could have been different."
Alternative Needed
Soros said he also now questions "what the Democratic party stands for." Democrats need to counter "a very effective conservative message machine," he said. "There really needs to be an alternative."
Indeed, the "anybody-but-Bush" strategy didn't quite work. We'll see what the Democrats muster in 2008 when the field is still relatively wide-open. And, no, Obama won't be the savior quite yet. Give him a few more terms to season before he ends up like John Edwards.
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