Thursday, November 18, 2004

Supreme Court All Stars

In class today, my professor played a game he called "Name that Justice." Considering William Rehnquist's precarious health, I started thinking about the history of the Supreme Court. (If you're curious, click here for a Newsweek article speculating about Rehnquist's legacy.) So I decided to make my all-time all star list of Supreme Court justices. I picked 9 total, w/ 8 spots for associate justices & 1 spot for the all-time chief justice. Here they are in no pariticular order:

1. John Harlan (either one)
2. William O. Douglas
3. Louis Brandeis
4. Antonin Scalia
5. Potter Stewart
6. Oliver Wendell Holmes
7. Robert Jackson
8. William Brennan
9. John Marshall & Earl Warren (tie for Chief Justice)


Blogger Kevin said...

Interesting. What criteria are you using? I'm actually surprised Scalia is on your list... =P

November 20, 2004 2:24 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

In response to Kevin, my criteria is just common sense. But, if you want something more specific, I chose them primarily on their contributions to the Court, their writings, and how progressive their stances were. As for Scalia, I put him there for several reaons. First, he's friggin' smart and merit is important. Second, it's important to have 1 (and only 1) hardline conservative. Dissents are important to see how the other/evil side thinks.

November 21, 2004 1:25 AM  

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