Supreme Court All Stars
In class today, my professor played a game he called "Name that Justice." Considering William Rehnquist's precarious health, I started thinking about the history of the Supreme Court. (If you're curious, click here for a Newsweek article speculating about Rehnquist's legacy.) So I decided to make my all-time all star list of Supreme Court justices. I picked 9 total, w/ 8 spots for associate justices & 1 spot for the all-time chief justice. Here they are in no pariticular order:
1. John Harlan (either one)
2. William O. Douglas
3. Louis Brandeis
4. Antonin Scalia
5. Potter Stewart
6. Oliver Wendell Holmes
7. Robert Jackson
8. William Brennan
9. John Marshall & Earl Warren (tie for Chief Justice)
1. John Harlan (either one)
2. William O. Douglas
3. Louis Brandeis
4. Antonin Scalia
5. Potter Stewart
6. Oliver Wendell Holmes
7. Robert Jackson
8. William Brennan
9. John Marshall & Earl Warren (tie for Chief Justice)
Interesting. What criteria are you using? I'm actually surprised Scalia is on your list... =P
In response to Kevin, my criteria is just common sense. But, if you want something more specific, I chose them primarily on their contributions to the Court, their writings, and how progressive their stances were. As for Scalia, I put him there for several reaons. First, he's friggin' smart and merit is important. Second, it's important to have 1 (and only 1) hardline conservative. Dissents are important to see how the other/evil side thinks.
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